
More About Cambodian Visa Service & Tours

Cambodian Visa Service & Tours , Established in 2017. We offer our clients all categories of visa arrangement, hotel, sight seeing land arrangements, overland tour especially holiday package tour to our home Cambodia and around South-East Asia; Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. We offer as well tours to China, Thailand , Singapore , USA, France , Japan, Hong Kong, Macao , Vietnam , Malaysia , Dubai, Nepal and Bhutan

Visa Extension Rules
welcome to visit our Cambodia visa extension agency site! 
We can accept tourist visa(T-type) and E-type visa(a.k.a. business visa or ordinary visa) for visa update. You can stay 1 month with both types of entry visas.
With the tourist visa, you can extend to stay only 1 month more and only 1 time extension of stay. 
So if you need to stay in Cambodia for more than 2 months, E-type visa is strongly recommended. It is only $5 more expensive than the tourist visa. In addition, no need to submit special document to get the E-type visa unless you’re passport holders of some developing countries except for ASEAN.
Even if you don’t have any document for visa extension, you can stay in Cambodia for 7 months at the longest with 1 month entry E-type visa and 6 month job seeker’s visa extension.

Please don’t be confused E-type visa with the Internet visa service called E-visa. E-visa service does not offer E-type visa. 
With the Internet visa service, you can take tourist visa only .
You can repeat your visa extension of stay if you can get document to prove you work/study in Cambodia, or you’re 55 years old or more. In addition, the longest extension of stay with these types of visa renewal are 1 year unlike 6 month extension of stay is the longest with the job seeker’s visa.
If you’d like to learn which type of visa you can take and what is the requirement for visa extension,
 Visa Type and Price
(Single Visa)
  • 1 Month: $55
  • 3 Month: $85
(Multiple Visa)
  • 6 Month: $185
  • 12 Month: $300
  *​ With single visa, you can enter Cambodia only one time. With multiple visa, you can enter Cambodia as many as you can within visa expiration date.
  * In our shop we do as well. Non-motorcycle renters need to pay $5 more as commission. 
  * We can make a draft of employment letter to update to worker’s visa, EB type visa.
    Company seal is required to make the draft into an employment letter for the visa extension.
    Also, we can make a declaration letter to update to job seeker’s visa.
    Both of the documentation fee is $5.

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